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刘新科职务:304am永利集团微电子研究院经理助理 职称:副教授 办公电话:0755-86931071 EMAIL:xkliu@szu.edu.cn |
刘新科(LIU XINKE)博士 研究员 博士研究生导师 (博士点:电子信息(085403);所在学院304am永利集团电子与信息工程学院)
2004-2008 新加坡国立大学材料系 荣誉学士;
2008-2013 新加坡国立大学电气与计算机系微电子专业,博士,导师Prof. Yeo Yee-Chia;
2019 新加坡国立大学电气与计算机系微电子专业高级访问学者,Host Prof. Ang Kah-Wee;
2018 美国加州伯克利分校访问学者(暑假访学),Host Prof. Ali Javey;
招聘博士后、研究助理数名, 有兴趣可以直接联系xkliu@szu.edu.cn;研究方向为本人研究领域。
1) 用于新能源高新技术领域的高迁移率氮化镓功率器件;
2) 新型二维材料的制备及其器件研究;
1. Semiconductor today (2012/06/07) "Gold-free nitride MOS-HEMTs for CMOS compatibility"
2. Semiconductor today (2017/2/1) "Gold-free vertical gallium nitride Schottky barrier diodes"
3.Materialsviewschina (2020/04/21)"Advanced Optical Materials:人工光分子的Fano共振”
4. Compound Semiconductor(2023/06/14) "Chinese team define fast charging law"
2023-2026 深圳市基础研究重点项目,高性能氮化镓电子器件制造技术关键问题研究, Co-PI;
2023-2028 广东省科技创新战略专项(基石类基础研究重大项目),基于离子束剥离技术的大尺寸金 刚石基氮化镓异质集成电子器件研究, Co-PI;
2022-2025 广东省自然科学杰出青年项目,基于氮化镓单晶衬底的电力电子器件,主持人;
2020-2023 广东省广东省重点领域研发计划项目,高质量氮化镓单晶材料的制备及关键技术研究, Co-PI;
2020-2023 广东省广东省重点领域研发计划项目,纵向导通结构GaN功率电子器件关键技术的研究, PI;
2020-2022 深圳市技术攻关项目,垂直氮化镓功率电子分立器件的研发及产业化关键技术研发,PI;
2019-2021 广东省广东省重点领域研发计划项目, 基于自主安全SoC 的高端智能彩色激光打印复印机的研制与应用, Co-PI;
2019-2020 深圳市国家配套, 项目名称“高频高效率超小型 GaN 基功率开关电源模块 ”,主持人;
2017-2020 国家科技部重大研发计划“战略性先进电子材料”, 项目名称 "GaN基新型电力电子器件关键技术",课题负责人;
2017-2020 国家科技部重大研发计划“战略性先进电子材料”, 项目名称“”第三代半导体的衬底制备及同质外延” ,任务负责人;
2017-2019 深圳市基础布局项目, 项目名称“新型自支撑氮化镓材料在电力电子器件的应用基础研究”,主持人;
2016-2018 国家青年科学基金项目, 项目名称“基于p-Cu2O帽层的增强型硅基AlGaN/GaN异质结场效晶体管的制备及可靠 性研究”,主持人;
2016-2017 广东省省级科技计划项目, 项目名称"高效节能600V硅基氮化镓HEMTs电力电子器件",主持人;
2015-2017 教育部留学回国人员科研启动经费;
2015-2017 深圳市孔雀计划启动经费, 项目名称"宽禁带新型半导体器件研究", 主持人;
2015-2017 304am永利集团校启动经费;
2015-2016 共聚永利市重点实验室开放基金;
2018-2019 304am永利集团与台北科技大学学术合作专题研究项目, 项目"以奈米二维材料制备乙酰胆碱酯酶传感器检测有机磷农药";
2020 304am永利集团与台北科技大学学术合作专题研究项目, 项目"以奈米二维材料制备褪黑激素电化学传感器";
X. Liu, H.-C. Chin, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “High-permittivity dielectric stack on gallium nitride formed by silane surface passivation and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 8-10, 2010. (JCR Q2 IF:4.9)
X. Liu, H.-C. Chin, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “In situ surface passivation of gallium nitride for metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of high-permittivity gate dielectric,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 95 - 102, 2011. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
X. Liu, B. Liu, E. K. F. Low, W. Liu, M. Yang, L.-S. Tan, K. L. Teo, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “Local stress induced by diamond-like carbon liner in AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs and impact on electrical characteristics,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, 183502, 2011. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu, E. K. F. Low, J.-S. Pan, W. Liu, K. L. Teo, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “Impact of in situ vacuum anneal and SiH4 treatment on electrical characteristics of AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 99, 093504, 2011. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu, C. Zhan, K. W. Chan, W. Liu, L. S. Tan, K. J. Chen, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “AlGaN/GaN-on-silicon MOS-HEMTs with breakdown voltage of 800 V and on-state resistance of 3 mΩ.cm2 using a CMOS-compatible gold-free process,” Applied Physics Express, vol. 5, 066501, May, 2012. (also reported in Semiconductor TODAY on 7th June, 2012) (Top 20 most downloaded APEX paper in May, 2012)(JCR Q3 IF:2.6 )
X. Liu, C. Zhan, K. W. Chan, M. H. S. Owen, W. Liu, D. Z. Chi, L. S. Tan, K. J. Chen, and Y.-C. Yeo*, “AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistor with a High Breakdown Voltage of 1400 V and on-state resistance of 22 mΩ•cm2 using a CMOS Compatible Gold-Free Process,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. vol. 52, no. 4, 04CF06, 2013. (JCR Q4 IF:1.5)
X. Liu, M. A. Bhuiyan, P. S/O Somasuntharam, C. B. Soh, Z. Liu, D. Z. Chi,W. Liu, W. Yu*, Y. Lu*, L. S. Tan,Y.-C. Yeo, “High Voltage AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron Mobility Transistors with RegrownIn0.14Ga0.86N Contact Using a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Compatible Gold-Free Process,” Applied Physics Express, vol. 7, 126501, 2014. (JCR Q3 IF:2.6 )
X. Liu*, Z. Liu, P. S/O Somasuntharam, J. Pan, W. Liu, F. Jia, Y. Lu, C. Liu,W. Yu, J. He, and L. S. Tan, “Band alignment of HfAlO/GaN (0001) determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Effect of in situ SiH4 Passivation,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 636, pp.191-195, 2015. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
C. Liu, J. Wen, W. Yu*, B. Zhang, Z. Xue, Y. Chang, L, Zhu, X. Liu*, Y. Zhao, M. Zhang, X. Wang, Q.-T. Zhao, “High Performance Strained Si0.5Ge0.5 Quantum-Well p-MOSFETs Fabricated Using a High-k/Metal-gate last Process,” Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 83, pp. 2010-215, 2015. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1)
X. Liu, J. He, D. Tang, Q. Liu, J. Wen, W. Yu*, Y. Lu, D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, J. Pan, W. Liu, K.-W. Ang, and Z. He, “Band alignment of atomic layer deposited high-k Al2O3/multilayer MoS2 interface determined byx-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 650, pp. 502-507, 2015. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, Y. Lu*, W. Yu*, J. Wu, J. He, D. Tang, Z. Liu, P. S/O Somasuntharam,D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, S. Chen*, and L. S. Tan, “AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistor with PolarizedP(VDF-TrFE) Ferroelectric Polymer Gating,” Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 14092, 2015. (JCR Q1 IF:4.9)
S. Chen , F. Mo, S. Chen, Z. Ge, H. Yang, J. Zuo, X. Liu*, and H. Zhuo*, “New insights into multi-shape memory behaviours and liquid crystalline properties of supramolecular polyurethane complexes based on pyridine-containing polyurethane and 4-n-Octyldecyloxybenzoic acid,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 3, pp. 19525-19538, 2015. (JCR Q1 IF:11.9)
X. Liu, J. He, Q. Liu, D. Tang, F. Jia, J. Wen, Y. Lu*, W. Yu*, D. Zhu,W.Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, J. Pan, Z. He, and K.-W. Ang, “Band alignment of HfO2/multilayer MoS2 interface determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Effect of CHF3 treatment,” Applied Physics Letter, vol. 107, 101601, 2015. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu*, J. He, Q. Liu, D. Tang, J. Wen, W. Liu, W. Yu, J. Wu*, Z. He, Y. Lu, D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, and K.-W. Ang, “Low temperature carrier transport study of monolayer MoS2 field effect transistors prepared by chemical vapor deposition under an atmospheric pressure,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 118, 124506, 2015. (JCR Q2 IF:3.2)
X. Liu, K.-W Ang*, W. Yu, J. He, X. Feng, Q. Liu, H. Jiang, D. Tang, J.Wen, Y. Lu, W Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, J. Wu, W. Liu, X. Wang, D. Zhu*, and Z. He*, “Black Phosphorus Based Field Effect Transistors with Simultaneously Achieved Near Ideal Subthreshold Swing and High Hole Mobility at Room Temperature,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 24920, 2016. (JCR Q1 IF:4.9)
Z.-P. Ling, J.-T. Zhu, X. Liu*, and K.-W. Ang*, “Interface engineering for the enhancement of carrier transport in black phosphorus transistor with ultra-thin high-k gate dielectric,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 26609, 2016. (JCR Q1 IF:4.9)
X. Liu*, Y. Zhang, Q. Liu, J. He, L. Chen, K. Li, F. Jia, Y. Zeng, Y. Lu,W. Yu, D. Zhu, W. Liu*, J. Wu, Z. He, and K.-W. Ang, “Band alignment of ZnO/multilayer MoS2 interface determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, 071602, 2016. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
K. Li, K.-W.Ang, Y. Lv, and X. Liu*, “Effects of Al2O3 capping layers on the thermal properties of thin black phosphorus,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.109, 261901, 2016. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu*, Q. Liu, J. Wang, W. Yu, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao*, “1.2 kV GaN Schottky BarrierDiodes on Free-Standing GaN Wafer using a CMOS-Compatible Contact Materials,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 56, 026501.2017. (JCR Q4 IF:1.5)
X. Liu, L.Chen*, Q. Liu, J.He, K. Li, W. Yu, J.-P. Ao, and K.-W. Ang, “Band alignment of Atomic Layer Deposited TiO2/multilayer MoS2 interface determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 698, pp.141-146, 2017. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu*, J. Wu, W. Yu, L. Chen, Z. Huang, H. Jiang, J. He, Q. Liu, Y. Lu, D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, X. Xiong, W. Xu, J.-P. Ao, K.-W. Ang, and Z. He*, “Monolayer WxMo1-xS2 Grown by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition: Bandgap Engineering and Field Effect Transistors”, Advanced Functional Materials, 1606469, 2017. (JCR Q1 IF:19)
K.K. Tehare, S.S. Bhande, S. U. Mutkule, F. J. Stadler, J.-P. Ao, R. S. Mane*, and X. Liu*, “Low-temperature chemical synthesis of rutile and anatase mixed Phase TiO2 nanostructures for DSSCs photoanodes,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol, 704, pp. 187-192, 2017. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu*, H. Gu, K. Li, L. Guo, D. Zhu, Y. Lu, J. Wang, H.-C. Kuo, Z. Liu, W. Liu, L. Chen, J. Fang, K.-W. Ang, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao*, “AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors with a low sub-threshold swing on free-standing GaN wafer,” AIP Advances,vol.7, 095305, 2017. (JCR Q4 IF:1.6)
X. Liu*, H. Gu, K. Li, J. Wang, L. Wang, H.-C. Kuo, W. Liu,L. Chen, J. Fang, M. Liu, X. Lin, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao*,"GaN schottky Barrier Diodes on Free-Standing GaN Wafer," ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 6, no, 10, N216-N220, 2017. (JCR Q3 IF:2.2)
H. Gu, Y. Lu, D. Zhu, K. Li, S. Zheng, J. Wang, K.-W. Ang, K. Xu*, X. Liu*, “High temperature study on the thermal properties of few-layer Mo0.5W0.5S2 and effects of capping layers,” Results in Physics, vol. 7, 4394-4397, 2017. (JCR Q1 IF:5.3)
Q. Liu, J.-H. Cai, J-Z. He, Y.-Z. Wang, D.-L. Zhang, C. Liu, W. Ren, W.-J. Yu*, X. Liu*, and Q.-T. Zhao, "80mV/dec subthreshold sswing of back-gated MoS2 FET on SiO2." Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 36, np. 5, pp. 543-549, 2017. (JCR Q4 IF:0.7)
L. Wang, L. Li*, T. Zhang, X. Liu*, and J.-P. Ao*, “ Enhanced pH sensitivity of AlGaN/GaN ion-sensitive field effect transistors wi th Al2O3 synthesized by atomic layer deposition,” Applied Surface Science, vol. 427, pp.1199-1201, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:6.7)
V. D. Botcha, M. Zhang, K. Li, H. Gu, Z. Huang, J. Cai, Y. Lu, W. Yu, and X. Liu*, “High-K substrate effect on thermal properties of 2D InSe few layer,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 735, pp. 594-599, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
K. K. Tehare, S. T. Navale, F. J. Stadler, Z. He, H. Yang, X. Xiong, X. Liu,* and Rajaram S. Mane,* "Enhanced DSSCs performance of TiO2 nanostructure by surface passivation layers," Material Research Bulletin, vol. 99, pp. 491-495, 2018. (JCR Q2 IF:5.4)
L. Wang, L. Li, T. Xie, X. Wang, X. Liu*, and J.-P. Ao*, "Threshold voltage tuning in AlGaN/GaN HFETs with p-type Cu2O gate synthesized by megnetron reactive sputtering,"Applied Surface Science, vol. 437, pp. 98-102, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:6.7)
H. Gu, L. Chen, Y. Lu, F. Tian, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, K. Xu, J. Wu, K. Li, and X. Liu*, “Low temperature study of neutral and charged excitons in the large-area monolayer WS2,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,vol.57, 060309, 2018. (JCR Q4 IF:1.5)
A. Sourav, Z. Li, Z. Huang, V. D. Botcha, C. Hu, J.-P. Ao, Y. Peng, H.-C. Kuo, J. Wu, X. Liu*, and K.-W. Ang*, "Large scale transparent molybdenum disulfide plasmonic photodetector using split bull eye structure," Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 6, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
S. Inguva, J.-H. Cai, H. Cong, J. Wu, Y. Lu, and X. Liu*, "Controlled growth of MoS2 vertical nanosheets by tunable substrate angle via chemical vapour deposition," Materials Research Express, 2018. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
K. Li, Y. Hong, Z. Li, and X. Liu*, "Thermal property engineering of InSe layer by a thin Al2O3 stress layer," Applied Physics Letter, vol. 113, 021903, 2018. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu, H.-C. Chiu*, H.-Y. Wang, C. Hu, H.-C. Wang, H.-L. Kao, and F.-T. Chien, "2.4 kV vertical GaN PN diodes on free standingGaN wafer using CMOS-compatible contact materials," IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol.6, pp.825-829, 2018. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
B. Ren, M. Sumiya, M. Liao, Y. Koide, X. Liu*, Y. Shen, and L. Sang*, “Interface trap characterization of Al2O3/GaN vertical-type MOS capacitors on GaN substrate with surface treatments,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 767, pp.600-605, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
K. Li, Z. Li, Y. Hong, C. Hu, W. Mao, and X. Liu*, “Investigation of CHF3 treatment on the energy band at the MoS2/HfZrO4 heterostructure,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 113, 143506, 2018. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
X. Liu*, C. Hu, K. Li*, W. Wang, Z. Li, J. Ao, J. Wu, W. He, W. Mao, Q. Liu, W. Yu, R.-J. Chung,"Investigation of the energy band at the molybdenum disulfide and ZrO2 heterojunctions," Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 13, 405, 2018. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
X. Liu, J. Wang, C. Xu, J. Luo, D. Liang, Y. Cen, Y. Lu, Z. Li, “Temperature-dependent phonon shifts in mono-layer, few-layer, and bulk WS2 Films,” Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:10.9)
V. D. Botcha, Y. Hong, Z. Huang, Z. Li, Q. Liu, J. Wu, Y. Lu, and X. Liu*, "Growth and Thermal Properties of Various In2Se3 Nanostructures Prepared by Single Step PVD Technique," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 773, pp. 698-705, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, Y. Hong, Z. Li, C. Xu, W. He, U. Younis, Q. Liu, J. Wu, Y. Lu, V. D. Botcha*, “Enhanced thermal conductivity of MoS2/InSe-nanoparticles/MoS2 hybrid sandwich structure,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 777, pp. 1145-1151, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
H. Gu, C. Hu, J. Wang, Y. Lu, J.-P. Ao, F. Tian, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, X. Liu*, and K. Xu*, “Vertical GaN Schottky barrier diodes on Ge-doped Free-Standing GaN substrates,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 780, pp.476-481, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
B. Ren, M. Liao, M. Sumiya, X. Liu*, Y. Koide, L. Sang*, “High-quality SiNx/p-GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor interface with low-density trap states,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, 085105, 2019. (JCR Q2 IF:3.4)
X. Liu, Z. Li, L.Min, Y. Peng, X. Xiong, Y. Lu. J.-P. Ao, J. Fang, W. He, K. Li, J. Wu, W. Mao, U. Younis*, and V. D. Botcha*, “Effect of stress layer on thermal properties of SnSe2 few layers,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.783, pp.226-231, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
H. Gu, F. Tian, C. Zhang, K. Xu, J. Wang, Y. Chen, X. Deng, and X. Liu*, “Recovery performance of Ge-doped vertical GaN schottky barrier diodes,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 14, 40, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
X. Liu, Y. Chen, D. Li, S.-W. Wang, C.-C. Ting, L. Chen, K.-W. Ang, C.-W. Qiu, Y.-L. Chueh, X. Sun*, and H.-C. Kuo*, “Nearly lattice-matched molybdenum disulfide/gallium nitride heterostructure enabling high-performance phototransistors,” Photonics Research, vol. 7, no.3, pp.311-317, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:7.6)
H. Gu, K. Chen, X. Gao, K. Xu, Y. Lu, and X. Liu*, “Temperature- and position-dependent Raman study on carrier concentration of large-area monolayer WS2,” Applied Surface Science, vol. 481, p.241-245, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.7)
X. Liu, K. Li*, X. Sun, Z. Shi, Z. Huang, Z. Li, L. Min, V. Botcha, X. Chen, X. Xu, and D. Li*, “Modified band alignment at multilayer MoS2/Al2O3 heterojunctions by nitridation treatment,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.793, pp.599-603, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
Y. Chen, K. Li, Z. Li, S. Hu, X. Sun, Z. Shi, X. Liu*, and D. Li, “Enhancing thermal properties of few-layer boron nitride by high-k Al2O3 capping layer,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.797, pp.262-268, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, S. P. C. Hsu, W.-C. Liu, Y.-M. Wang, X. Liu, C.-S. Lo, Y.-C. Lin, S. C. Nabilla, Z. Li, Y. Hong, C. Lin, Y. Li, G. Zhao, and R.-J. Chung, “Salivary electrochemical cortisol biosensor based on tin disulfide nanoflakes,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 14, 189, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
L. Wang, L. Chen, S. L. Wong, X. Huang, W. Liao, C. Zhu, Y.-F. Lim, D. Li, X. Liu,* Dongzhi Chi,* and Kah-Wee Ang*, “Electronic devices and circuits based on wafer-scale polycrystalline monolayer MoS2 by chemical vapor deposition,” Advanced Electronic Materials, 1900393, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
S.-W. H. Chen, H.-Y. Wang, C. Hu, Y. Chen, H. Wang, J. Wang, W. He, X. Sun, H.-C. Chiu, H.-C. Kuo, W. Wang, K. Xu, D. Li, and X. Liu*, “Vertical GaN-on-GaN PIN diodes fabricated on free-standing GaN wafer using an ammonothermal method,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.804, pp.435-440, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
Y. Wang, Z.-H. Gu, H. Liu, L. Chen*, X. Liu*, L. Min, Z. Li, H. Zhu, and Q.-Q. Sun,“Feasibility of large-scale MoS2 thin-film transistors on GaN substrate,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 1, pp.1418-1423, 2019. (JCR Q2 IF:4.7)
Y. Wu, Z. Li, K.-W. Ang, Y. Jia, Z. Shi, Z. Huang, W. Yu, X. Sun, X. Liu,* and D. Li, “Monolithic integration of MoS2-based visible detectors and GaN-based UV detectors, ” Photonics Research, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 1133, 2019. (JCR Q1 IF:7.6)
X. Liu, R. Sakthivel, C.-Y. Cheng, J. Luo, L. Song, J. Wu, W. He, U. Younis, and R.-J. Chung, “3A-Amino-3A-Deoxy-(2AS, 3AS)-β-Cyclodextrin Hydrate/Tin Disulfide Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode for the Electrochemical Detection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls,” Nanoscale Research Letter, vol. 15, no. 4, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
X. Liu, H.-C. Chiu*, Y. Chen, D. Li, H.-Y. Wang, C.-R. Huang, H.-L. Kao, H.-C. Kuo, S.-W. H. Chen, “Analysis of the back-barrier effect in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor on free-standing GaN substrates,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.814, 152293, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
Z. Li, J. Wu, C. Wang, H. Zhang, W. Yu, Y. Lu and X. Liu*, “High-performance monolayer MoS2 photodetector enabled by oxide stress liner using scalable chemical vapor growth method,” Nanophotonics, vol.9, no. 7, pp. 1981-1991, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
X. Jiang, M. Zhang, L. Liu, X. Shi, Y. Yang, K. Zhang, H. Zhu*, L. Chen*, X. Liu*, Q. Sun, and D. W. Zhang, “Multifunctional black phosphorus/MoS2 van der Waals heterojunction,” Nanophotonics, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0549) (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
M. Zhang, Z. Fana, X. Jiang, H. Zhu*, L. Chen*, Y. Xia*, J. Yin, X. Liu, Q. Sun and D. W. Zhang, “MoS2-based Charge-trapping synaptic device with electrical and optical modulated conductance,” Nanophotonics, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0548) (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
J. Wu*, Y. Zhao, M. Sun, M. Zheng, G. Zhang, X. Liu* and D. Chi*, “Enhanced photoresponse of highly air-stable palladium diselenide by thickness engineering,” Nanophotonics, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0542) (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
Y. Xiao#, L. Min#, X. Liu#, W. Liu*, U. Younis, T. Peng, X. Kang, X. Wu, S. Ding, and D. W. Zhang, “Facile integration of MoS2/SiC photodetector by direct chemical vapor deposition,” Nanophotonics, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0562) (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
(Invited)X. Feng, X. Liu*, and K.-W. Ang*, “2D Photonic Memristor: Progress and Prospects,” Nanophotonics, (https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0543) 2020 (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
G. Cao, S. Dong, L.-M. Zhou, Q. Zhang, Y. Deng, C. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Chen, C.-W. Qiu,* and X. Liu*, “Fano Resonance in Artificial Photonic Molecules,” Advanced Optical Materials, 1902153, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
Z. Li, J. Luo, S. Hu, Q. Liu, W. Yu, Y. Lu, and X. Liu,* “Strain enhancement for MoS2-on-GaNphotodetector with Al2O3 stress liner grown by atomic layer deposition,” Photonics Research, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 799-805, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:7.6)
B. Ren, M. Liao, M. Sumiya, J. Li, L. Wang, X. Liu,* Y. Koide, and L. Sang*, “Layered Boron nitride enabling high-performance AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor,”Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 829, 154542, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, H.-C. Chiu, C.-H. Liu, H.-L. Kao, C.-W. Chiu, H.-C. Wang, J. Ben, W. He, and C.-R. Haung, “Normally-off p-GaN Gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Plasma Oxidation Technique in Access Region,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 8, 229-234, 2020. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
X. Liu, X. Deng, X. Li, H.-C. Chiu, Y. Chen, V. D. Botcha, M. Wang, and W. Yu, C.-H. Lin, “Impact of Al2O3 stress liner on two-dimensional SnS2 nanosheet for photodetector application,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 830, 154716, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, R. Sakthivel, W.-C. Liu, C.-W. Huang, J. Li, C. Xu, Y. Wu, L. Song, W. He⁎, R.-J. Chung,⁎ “Ultra-highly sensitive organophosphorus biosensor based on chitosan/tin disulfide and British housefly acetylcholinesterase,” Food Chemistry, vol. 324, 126889, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:8.8)
Z. Wang, J. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, J. S. Ponraj, S. C. Dhanabalan, T. Zhai, X. Liu*, Y. Song*, and Han Zhang*,“2D GeP-based photonic device for near-infrared and mid-infrared ultrafast photonics,” Nanophotonics, 2020 ((https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2020-0248)) (JCR Q1 IF:7.5)
C.-H. Huang, S. H. Chang, B.-Y. Liaw, C.-Y. Liu, C.-Y. Chou, J.-R. Zhou, C.-C. LIN, H.-C. Kuo, L.-J. Song, F. Li, and X. Liu*, “Research on a novel GaN-based converted Mini-LED backlight module via a spectrum-decouple system,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, 138823, 2020. (JCR Q2 IF:3.9)
H.-C. Wang, Y. Hong, Z. Chen, C. Lao, Y. Lu, Z. Yang, Y. Zhu, and X. Liu*, “ZnO UV photodetectors modified by Ag nanoparticles using all-inkjet-printing,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 15, 176, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
T. Pu, Y. Chen, X. Li, T. Peng, X. Wang, J. Li, W. He, J. Ben, Y. Lu, X. Liu*, and J.-P. Ao, “Gate structure dependent normally-off AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors with p-GaN cap layer,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, 415104, 2020. (JCR Q2 IF:3.4)
R. Lin, X. Liu, K. Liu, Y. Lu, X. Liu*, and X. Li*,“BAlN alloy for enhanced two-dimensional electron gas characteristics of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,vol. 53, no. 48, 48LT01, 2020. (JCR Q2 IF:3.4)
X. Liu, J.-H. He*, R. Sakthivel*, and R.-J. Chung*, “Rare earth erbium molybdate nanoflakes decorated functionalized carbon nanofibers: An affordable and potential catalytic platform for the electrooxidation of phenothiazine,” Electrochimica Acta, vol. 358, 136885, 2020. (JCR Q2 IF:6.6)
Z. Gu, T. Zhang, J. Luo, Y. Wang, H. Liu, L. Chen*, X. Liu*, W. Yu, H. Zhu, Q.-Q. Sun, and David W. Zhang, “MoS2‑on-AlN Enables High-Performance MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors through Strain Engineering,” ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 12, 54972-54979, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
J. Li, C. Wang, B. Zhang, Z. Wang, W. Yu, Y. Chen, X. Liu, Z. Guo, and H. Zhang*,“Artificial Carbon Graphdiyne: Status and Challenges in Nonlinear Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 12, pp. 49281-49296, 2020. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
A. KhanTareen, K. Khan*, M. Aslam, X. Liu*, and H. Zhang*, “Confinement in two-dimensional materials: Major advances and challenges in the emerging renewable energy conversion and other applications,” Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 61, 100294, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:12)
A. K. Tareen, K. Khan*, M. Aslam, H. Zhang, and X. Liu*, “Recent progress, challenges, and prospects in emerging group-VIA Xenes: synthesis, properties and novel applications,” Nanoscale, 13, 510-552, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:6.7)
J. Li, F. Lin, Y. Chen, W. He, and X. Liu*, “A novel hybrid termination structure for vertical gallium nitride Schottky barrier diode by using technology computer aided design simulation,” Electronics Letters, vol.57, no. 2, pp. 83-85, 2021. (JCR Q4 IF:1.1)
X. Liu, C.-L. Tseng, L.-Y. Lin, C.-A. Leed, J. Li, L. Feng, L. Song, X. Lia,* J.-H. He*, R. Sakthiveld, and R.-J. Chung,* “Template-free synthesis of mesoporous Ce3NbO7/CeO2 hollow nanospheres for label-free electrochemical immunosensing of leptin,” Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, vol. 341, 130005, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:8.4)
J. Ben#, X. Liu#, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Shi, Y. Jia, S. Zhang, H. Zhang, W. Yu, D. Li, and X. Sun*, “Two-dimensional Ⅲ-Nitride Materials: Properties, Growth, and Applications,” Advanced Materials, 2006761, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:30.2)
X. Liu, S. Hu, J. Luo, X. Li*, J. Wu, D. Chi, K.-W. Ang, W. Yu, and Y. Cai*,“Suspended MoS2 Photodetector Using Patterned Sapphire Substrate,” Small, 2100246,2021. (JCR Q1 IF:13.3)
X. Liu, S. Hu, Z. Lin, X. Li, L. Song, W. Yu, Q. Wang, and W. He*, “High-Performance MoS2 Photodetectors Prepared using a Patterned Gallium Nitride Substrate,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol.13, pp. 15820-15826, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
X. Liu, J. Luo, D. Zhu, Y. Lu, X. Li*, J. He, H.-C. Chiu, K. Xu, W. Yu, and R.-J. Chung*, “Monolithic Integration of Strained UV-Visible Dual Color Photodetectors on 4” Multilayer MoS2-on-Free Standing GaN wafer by Direct Van Der Waals Growth,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
S. Hu, Z. Liao, J. He, W. Yu, L. Song, Q. Wang, X. Li, and X. Liu*, “Silicon nitride stress liner impacts on MoS2 photodetectors,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 129, 183106, 2021. (JCR Q2 IF:3.2)
T. Pu, U. Younis, H.‑C. Chiu, K. Xu, H.‑C. Kuo, and X. Liu*, “Review of Recent Progress on Vertical GaN‑Based PN Diodes,” Nanoscale Research Letters, 16, 101, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:6.5)
A. K. Tareen, K. Khan*, W. Ahmad, M. F. Khan, Q. U. Khan, and X. Liu*,“A novel MnO–CrN nanocomposite based non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxidese,” RSC Advances, 11, 19316, 2021. (JCR Q2 IF:3.9)
G. Cao, H.-X. Xu, L.-M. Zhou, Y. Deng, Y. Zeng, S. Dong, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Yang, Q. Song, X. Liu*, Ying Li, C.-W. Qiu, “Infrared metasurface-enabled compact polarization nanodevices,” Materials Today, vol. 50, pp. 499-515, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:31.0141 )
X. Li, L.-Y. Lin, K.-Y. Wang, J. Li, L. Feng, L. Song, X. Liu*, J.-H. He*, R. Sakthivel*, and R.-J. Chung*, “Streptavidin-functionalized-polyethyleneimine/chitosan/HfO2-Pr6O11 nanocomposite using label-free electrochemical immunosensor for detecting the hunger hormone ghrelin,” Composites Part B, vol. 224, 109231, 2021. (JCR Q1 IF:13.1)
X. Liu, L.-Y. Lin, F.-Y. Tseng, Y.-C. Tan, J. Li, L. Feng, L. Song, C.-F. Lai, X. Li,* J.-H. He,* R. Sakthivel* and R.-J. Chung*, “Label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on gold nanoparticle/polyethyleneimine/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for the ultrasensitive detection of cancer biomarker matrix metalloproteinase-1,” Analyst, vol. 146, pp.4066-4079, 2021. (JCR Q2 IF:4.2)
T. Pu, X. Li, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y. Lu, X. Liu*, and J. Ao, “Recessed anode AlGaN/GaN Schottky diode for temperature sensor application,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 5162-5166, 2021. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
X. Liu, J. Luo, Y. Lin, Z. Lin, X. Liu, J. He, W. Yu, Q. Liu, T. Wei, J. Yang, W. Zhang, and J. Guo*“High-performance photodetectors using a 2D MoS2/3D-AlN structure,”ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 3, pp. 5415-5422, 2021. (JCR Q2 IF:4.7)
R. Sakthivel, L.-Y. Lin, T.-H. Lee, X. Liu*, J.-H. He*, and R.-J. Chung*, “Disposable and cost-effective label-free electrochemical immunosensor for prolactin based on bismuth sulfide nanorods with polypyrrole,” Bioelectrochemistry, vol. 143, 107948, 2022. (JCR Q1 IF:5)
C.-H. Huang, Y-T. Cheng, Y.-C. Tao, X. Liu*, and H.-C. Kuo, “Micro-LED backlight module by deep reinforcement learning and micro-macro-hybrid environment control agent,” Photonics Research, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 269-279, 2022. (JCR Q1 IF:7.6)
X. Li, F. Lin, J. Wu, Z. Zhang, L. Song, T. Pu, X. Li, X. Lin, Y. Lu, and X. Liu, “Enhanced performance of GaN Schottky barrier diodes by oxygen plasma treatment,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1792-1797, 2022. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
X. Liu, F. Lin, J. Li, Y. Lin, J. Wu, H. Wang, X. Li, S. Huang*, Q. Wang, and H.-C. Chiu, “1.7-kV vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky barrier diodes with helium-implanted edge termination,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1938-1944, 2022. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
X. Liu, J. Yang, J. Li, F. Lin, B. Li, Z. Zhang, W. He*, and M. Huang*, “GaN-Based GAA Vertical CMOS Inverter,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 10, pp. 224-228, 2022. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
M. Keerthi, A. K. Panda, Y.-H. Wang, X. Liu⁎, J.-H. He⁎, and R.-J. Chung, “Titanium nanoparticle anchored functionalized MWCNTs for electrochemical detection of ractopamine in porcine samples with ultrahigh sensitivity,” Food Chemistry, vol. 378, 132083, 2022. (JCR Q1 IF:8.8)
J. Ben, Y. Jia, T. Wu, X. Liu*, and X. Li, “Sodium birnessite@graphene hierarchical structures for ultrafast sodium ion storage,” Journal of Electroanlytical Chemistry, vol. 906, 116007, 2022. (JCR Q1 IF:4.5)
J. Ben, J. Luo, Z. Lin, X. Sun*, X. Liu,* and X. Li, “Introducing voids around the interlayer of AlN by high temperature,” Chinese Physics B, vol. 31, 76104, 2022. (JCR Q3 IF:1.7)
H.-C. Wang, T. Pu, X. Li , C.-H. Liu, J. Wu, J. Yang, Z. Zhang, Y. Lu, Q. Wang, L. Song, H.-C. Chiu, J.-P. Ao, and X. Liu*, “High-performnace normally-off operation p-GaN gate HEMT on free-standing GaN substrate, ” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 4859-4863, 2022. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
T. Pu, H.-C. Wang, K.-P. Hsueh, H.-C. Chiu, and X. Liu*, “AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diodes on free-standing GaN substrate with a Si doped barrier layer,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 10, pp. 318-323, 2022. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
X. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Lin, J. Zhou, Q. Liu, W. Yu, Y. Cai, X. Li, V. D. Botcha, T. Rao, and S. Huang*, “Synthesis of rhenium-doped molybdenum sulfide by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for a high-performance photodetector,” ACS Omega, vol. 7, 48301-48309, 2022. (JCR Q2 IF:4.1)
X. Liu, Y. Lin, Z. Lin, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Li, D. Zhu, K.-W. Ang, M. Fang, W. Xu, Q. Wang, W. Yu, Q. Liu, and S. Huang*, “MoS2‑on-GaN plasmonic photodetector using a bowtie striped antenna structure,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 4, pp. 5277-5283, 2022. (JCR Q2 IF:4.7)
X. Liu*, H. Wang, J. Wu, P. Zou, Y. Tu, S. Chen, X. Xiong, X. Wang, J. Han, W. Zhuang, Z. Yang, F. Qiu, H.-C. Chiu, and Z. Zhong*, “Vertical GaN Schottky barrier diode with record low contact resistivity on N-polarity using ultra-thin ITO interfacial layer,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1601-1606, 2023. (JCR Q2 IF:3.1 )
B. Li, Y. Yin, Z. Yang, X. Liu*, and J. Li*, “Recent progress on the vertical GaN power transistor and its integrated circuit,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 68, 2023. (JCR Q4 IF:1.1)
H.-C. Wang, Y. Lin, X. Liu, X. Deng, J. Ben, W. Yu, D. Zhu, and X. Liu*,Self-driven Photodetector based on SnS2/WS2 van der Waals Heterojunction with Al2O3 Capping Layer, Chinese Physics B, 32, 018504, 2023. (JCR Q3 IF:1.7)
X. Liu, J. Zhou, J. Luo, H. Shi, T. You, X. Ou, V. Botcha, F. Mu, T. Suga, X. Wang, and S. Huang*, “ReS2 on GaN photodetector using H+ ion-cut technology,” ACS Omega, vol. 8, 457-463, 2023. (JCR Q2 IF:4.1)
J. Wu, Z. Liao, H. Wang, P. Zou, R. Zhu, W. Cai, W. Zhuang, Y. Tu, S. Chen, X. Xiong, H.-C. Chiu, X. Li, and X. Liu*, “Ultra-low turn-on voltage (0.37V) vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky barrier diode via oxygen plasma treatment,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.123, 213505, 2023. (JCR Q2 IF:4 )
Z. Jiang, J. Zhou, B. Li, Z. Ma, Z. Huang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, K. Fan, Y. Li, and X. Liu,* “Vertical Van der Waals epitaxy of p-MoxRe1-xS2 on GaN for ultrahigh detectivity UV-Vis-NIR photodetector,” Advanced Optical Materials, 2302613, 2023. (JCR Q1 IF:9.5)
X. Li, F. Lin, T. Pu, X. Li, B. Li, S. Li, J. Han, X. Wang, Y. Lu, and X. Liu*, “Effect of Helium-Implanted Edge Termination on GaN-on-GaN Schottky Barrier Diode Temperature Sensors,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.23, no.24, pp.30112-30118, 2023. (JCR Q1 IF:4.3)
Y. Lin, X. Wang, Z. Lin, X. Li, Z. Zhong, V D. Botcha, and X. Liu*, “Optimization engineering of ReS2 photodetector by enhanced light scattering effects based on patterned substrates,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 966, 171538, 2023. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, J. Zhou, Z. Jiang, Z. Huang, B. Li, Z. Ma, Y. Yang, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, V D. Botcha, R.-J. Chung, J. Liang, X. Li, Y. Li, and W. He, “Monolayer Mo1−x−yRexWyS2-based photodetectors grown by chemical vapor deposition,” Advanced Electronic Materials, 2300711, 2023. (JCR Q1 IF:6.2)
X. Liu, Z. Lin, Y. Lin, J. Chen, P. Zou, J. Zhou, B. Li, L. Shen, D. Zhu, Q. Liu, W. Yu, and X. Li, “Facile integration of an Al-rich Al1-𝑥In𝑥N photodetector on free-standing GaN by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering,” Chinese Physics B, vol. 32, 117701, 2023. (JCR Q3 IF:1.7)
C. Wang, X. Xu, S. Tyagi, P. C Rout, U. Schwingenschlögl, B. Sarkar, V. Khandelwal, X. Liu, L. Gao, M. N. Hedhili, H. N Alshareef, and X. Li, “Ti3C2Tx MXene van der Waals Gate Contact for GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors,” Advanced Materials, vol.35, 2211738, 2023. (JCR Q1 IF:30.2)
X. Liu, Bo Li, Junye Wu, J. Li, W. Yue, R. Zhu, Q. Wang, X. Li, J. Ben, W. He H.-C. Chiu, K. Xu, and Z. Zhong, “Vertical GaN-on-GaN trench junction barrier Schottky diodes with a slanted sidewall,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 12, pp. 34-38, 2024. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
L. Gao, Z. Zong, Q. Zhang, X. Li, X. Xiong, S. Chen, L. Chen, H. Yan, A. Zhang, J. Han, W. Zhuang, F. Qiu, H.-C. Chiu, S. Huang, and X. Liu*, “Stability of GaN HEMT device under static and dynamic gate stress,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 12, pp. 165-169, 2024. (JCR Q3 IF:2.3)
X. Liu, C. K. Chia, M. Suryana, and Y. W. Zhang, “Ultra-wide band high reflectivity SiO2/SiNx distributed bragg reflector for broad band photonic devices,” 3rd MRS-Singapore Conference on Advanced Material, Singapore, Feb. 25-27, 2008.
X. Liu, H.-C. Chin, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo, “Metal-gate/high-permittivity dielectric stack on gallium nitride formed by silane surface passivation and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition,” International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 7-9, 2009, pp. 1214-1215.
X. Liu, H.-C. Chin, E. K. F. Low, W. Liu, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo, “In situ silane surface passivation for gate-first undoped AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with minimum current collapse and high-permittivity dielectric,” International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 22-24, 2010, pp. 141-142.
X. Liu, B. Liu, E. K. F. Low, H.-C. Chin, W. Liu, M. Yang, L. S. Tan, and Y.-C. Yeo, “Diamond-like carbon (DLC) liner with high compressive stress formed on AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs with in situ silane surface passivation for performance enhancement,” IEEE International Electron Device Meeting 2010, San Francisco CA, Dec. 6-8, 2010, pp. 261-264. (also reported in Semiconductor TODAY , vol. 5, issue 10, December 2010)
X. Liu, C. Zhan, K. W. Chan, W. Liu, L. S. Tan, K. L. Teo, K. J. Chen, and Y.-C. Yeo, “AlGaN/GaN-on-silicon MOS-HEMTs with breakdown voltage of 800 V and on-state resistance of 3 mΩ.cm2 using a CMOS-compatible gold-free process,” International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 23-25, 2012.
X. Liu, C. Zhan, K. W. Chan, W. Liu, D. Z. Chi, L. S. Tan, K. J. Chen, and Y.-C. Yeo, “AlGaN/GaN-on-sapphire MOS-HEMTs with breakdown voltage of 1400 V and on-state resistance of 22 mΩ.cm2 using a CMOS-compatible gold-free process,” International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 25-27, 2012, pp. 879-880.
X. Liu, “High Voltage AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs with a CMOS compatible Gold-free process,” Energy Materials Nanotechnology, Chendu, China, Sep. 22-25, 2014.
X. Liu and H. Y. Yu, “High voltage AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs with CMOS-compatible gold-free process,” International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Guilin, China, Oct. 28-31, 2014.
X. Liu, J.-P. Ao, J. He, J. Wang, W. Yu, and K. Xu, “1200 V GaN schottky barrier diode on 2” free-standing wafer using a CMOS-Compatible gold-free process,” 10th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons, Xi’an China, May 22-26, 2016.
Z.-P. Ling, X. Feng, H. Jiang, Z. He, X. Liu,* and K.-W. Ang*, “Black phosphorus transistors with enhanced hole transport and subthreshold swing using ultra-thin HfO2 high-k gate dielectric,” IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Jun. 12-13, 2016.
P. Xia, S. Wang, D. Chi, C. Li, Z. He, X. Liu*, and K.-W. Ang*, “The physical origin of interface states and its influence on MOSCAP with magnetron sputtered MoS2 and HfO2 high-k gate dielectric,” 2016 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 26-29, 2016.
C. Li, Z. Huang, J. Wang, K. Xu, J.-P. Ao, and X. Liu*, “Vertical GaN Schottky barrier diodes with record high current Ion/Ioff Ratio (~2.3×1010)on free-standing GaN wafer,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Arizona, USA, Apr. 17-21, 2017.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu*, H. Gu, K. Li, L. Guo, J. Wang, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao, “GaN-based Power Devices (SBDs, HEMTs) on Free-standing Wafer,” International Symposium on Single Crystal Diamond and Electronics, Xi’an, June 10-14, 2017.
[Invited Paper] J.-P. Ao*, L. Wang, Y. Bu, and X. Liu*, “Development of AlGaN/GaN ion-sensitive field-effect transistor,” International Symposium on Single Crystal Diamond and Electronics, Xi’an, June 10-14, 2017.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu, “ALD-high k HfO2 Enabling BP-FETs with Near Ideal SS and High Hole Mobility at Room Temperature,” Workshop on Atomic Layer Deposition, Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 23, 2017.
V. D. Botcha, Y. Lu, and X. Liu*, “Fabrication of GO monolayer/sputtered ZnO hybrid layered structures by Modified Langmuir Blodgett Process,” The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017), Qingdao, China, Sep. 24-27, 2017.
X. Liu*, Z. Huang, D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, W. Xu, and Y. Lu, “Demonstration of Monolayer WxMo1-xS2-based Field Effect Transistors by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017), Qingdao, China, Sep. 24-27, 2017.
X. Liu*, H. Gu, K. Li, L. Guo, J. Wang, H.-C. Kuo, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao, “AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors on Free-standing Wafer,” The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017), Qingdao, China, Sep. 24-27, 2017.
H. Gu, J. He, K. Xu, and X. Liu*, “Raman study of few-layer Mo1−xWxS2,” The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017), Qingdao, China, Sep. 24-27, 2017.
H. Gu, J. He, K. Xu, and X. Liu*, “Low-temperature optical properties study of monolayer MoS2,” The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS2017), Qingdao, China, Sep. 24-27, 2017.
X. Liu*, H. Gu, K. Li, J. He, K. Lai, D. Zhu, Y. Lu, W. He, J. Fang, J. Wang, H.-C. Kuo, Z. Liu, W. Liu, K.-W. Ang, Y. Hao, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao*,"Unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Ideal Sub-threshold Swing (~60mV/decade) on Extremely High Quality Free-standing GaN Substrate," International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Sendai, Japan, Sep. 19-22, 2017.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu, “GaN-based devices (diodes and HEMTs) on free standing wafer,” The 2nd Workshop on Nitride Materials and Their Applications (MNMA2017), Suzhou, China, Oct. 25-26, 2017.
X. Liu, K. Xu, and J.-P. Ao, "High Voltage GaN-based Power Devices on Free-standing Wafer", Progress in electromagnetics research symposium, Singapore, Nov. 19-22, 2017.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu, "GaN-based power device and power module," 4th International Conference on ALD Applications & 2018 China ALD conference, Oct. 14-17, 2018.
Z. Li, K. Li, Y. Hong, J. Wang, C. Hu, and X. Liu*, "Investigation of The Band Alignment At The Multilayer MoS2/HfO2 and MoS2/HfZrO4 Heterojunction,"4th International Conference on ALD Applications & 2018 China ALD conference, Oct. 14-17, 2018.
X. Liu, H.-C. Chiu*, H.-C. Wang, C. Hu, "6-inch and 8-inch GaN on Si RF HEMT technology for 5G communication application," SSLCHINA and IFWS, Shenzhen, Oct. 23-25, 2018.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu*, J.-P. Ao, Q. Xia, and H.-C. Chiu, "3rd Generation Semiconductor GaN-based Power Devices and DC/DC Power Module," International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Oct. 25-28, 2018.
C. Hu, V. D. Botcha, K. Li, H. Gu, Y. Hong, Z. Li, and X. Liu*, “High-K substrate and Capping layer effects on thermal properties of 2D-TMD layers,” International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Oct. 25-28, 2018.
V. D. Botcha, Y. Hong, Z. Li, J. Wang, C. Hu, and X. Liu*, “Growth and Thermal Properties of In-Se Nanostructures And Enhanced thermal conductivity of hybrid MoS2/InSe-Nanoparticles/MoS2 andwich Structure,” International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Oct. 25-28, 2018.
C. Hu, J. Wang, S.-W. H. Chen, H.-Y. Wang, H.-C. Chiu, H.-C. Kuo, K. Xu, D. Li, X. Liu*, “GaN-on-GaN PIN Diodes with a High Baliga’s Figure-of-Merit of 29.7 GW/cm2,” 13th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Seattle, Washington, July 7-12, 2019.
[Invited Paper] X. Liu, "MoS2-on-GaN method for high performance visible photodetectors," International Symposium on Single Crystal Diamond and Electronics, Xi’an China, June 9-12, 2019.
Z. Li, S. Hu, Y. Hong, L. Min, and X. Liu*, “Monolithic integration of MoS2-based visible detectors and GaN-based UV detectors,” International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Dec. 12-15, 2019.
S. Hu, Z. Li, Y. Hong, L. Min, J. Luo, and X. Liu*, “Suspended MoS2 photodetector using Patterned Sapphire Substrates,” International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Dec. 12-15, 2019.
X. Deng, Z. Li, Y. Chen, C. Hu, V. D. Botcha, and X. Liu*, “Impact of Al2O3 stress liner on two-dimensional SnS2 nanosheets for photodetector application,” International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Shenzhen, Dec. 12-15, 2019.
X. Liu, “Large Scale MoS2-on-GaN Van der Waals heterostructure for photonic device application,” 17th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2020 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (SSLCHINA2020 & IFWS 2020), Shenzhen, Nov. 23-25, 2020.
J. Luo, Z. Lin, J. He, Q. Zhang, and X. Liu*, “UV-Visible wide-band light detection with ALD Al2O3 stress liner using 4” MoS2-on-GaN-on-GaN wafer,” 4th China Conference on ALD, Changchun, Jul. 27-30, 2021.
X. Liu, “1.7 kV Vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky Barrier Diodes on 2”Free-standing Wafer,” 18th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2021 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (SSLCHINA2021 & IFWS 2021), Shenzhen, Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2021.
J. Luo, Z. Zhang Q. Zhang, and X. Liu*, “High performance photodetectors based on 2D-XS2(X=Mo、Re)/3D-GaN,” 19th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2021 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (SSLCHINA2021 & IFWS 2021), Shenzhen, Nov. 29-Dec.01, 2021.
Z. Zhong, S. Huang, and X. Liu*, “High-Performance Normally-off Operation p-GaN Gate HEMT on Free-standing GaN Substrate,” 18th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2021 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (SSLCHINA2022 & IFWS 2022), Suzhou, Feb. 8-10, 2023.
P. Zou, H. Wang, J. Wu, Z. Liao, S. Huang, Z. Zhong, X. Li, F. Qiu, W. Zhuang, L. Chen, and X. Liu*, “Vertical GaN Schottky barrier diode with record high FOM (1.23GW/cm2) fully grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy,” 2023 35th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD 2023), Hong Kong, May 28-Jun.01, 2023.
B. Li, Z. Ma, L. Gao, J. Mao, W. Zhuang, Q. Li, B. Zhang, R. Zhu, J. Li, and X. Liu,* “Enhancing Key performance of vertical GaN Schottky barrier diodes through AlOx insertion and dual ion co-implantation,” 2024 36th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD 2024), Bremen, Germany, Jun. 02-06, 2024.
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· 2023 深圳市青年科技奖(提名人:毛军发院士)
· 2022 广东省科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)
· 2022 中国电子学会科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)
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· 2020 全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020, 应用物理方向)
· 2020 304am永利集团年度教学突出贡献奖获得者
· 2018 304am永利集团年度科研突出贡献奖获得者
· 2018 International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics, Best Poster Award (研究生:胡聪等)
· 2017 第十四届“挑战杯”广东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖(本科生:黄钟辉和赖凯睿)
· 2016 “挑战杯”腾讯奖(研究生:何佳铸等)
· 2016第六届广东省大学生新材料大赛 “二等奖”(研究生:何佳铸等)
· 2016 304am永利集团“荔园优青”入选者
· 2015年大学生“挑战杯”特等奖(研究生:何佳铸、唐聃)
· IEEE WIMNACT45 Best Poster Award 2015
· 孔雀计划B 类人才(深圳、中国 2014)
· IEEE EDL Golden Reviewer 2013
· Financial Award for attending SSDM2010 (Japan)
· Dean’s List, AY 2007/2008, only selected top 5% undergraduate
· Best Poster Award, 3rd MRS-S Conference on Advanced Materials, 2008
· Recipient of 2004–2008 Keppel Undergraduate Scholarship Award
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