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符显珠职务: 职称:教授 办公电话:0755-8671983 EMAIL:xz.fu@szu.edu.cn |
符显珠,教授,博导,从事电化学能源材料与器件(燃料电池,制氢,锂电池,集流体,电合成)及电子材料与制程(电子电镀/化学镀,集成电路/PCB/电解铜箔化学品,导电导热材料)的研究, 承担《电催化材料》、《电化学能源材料与器件》和《微电子材料与制程》课程教学工作。
2000年湘潭大学化学系本科毕业,2007年厦门大学化学系博士毕业,2008-2012年在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学材料与化工系做博士后并获NSERC SOFC Canada 基金资助到美国伯克利国家实验室环境能源部进行访问研究,曾于中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院工作任研究员、博士生导师。
近5年以通讯作者在Nature Catalysis、Angewandte Chemie、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Energy、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Science Bulletin(科学通报)等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇。
高薪招聘博士后(Open Postdoctoral Positions)等研究人员,欢迎具有电化学、催化、材料、能源、化学、化工、计算等背景者申请(xz.fu@szu.edu.cn)。
1. 电催化剂、电极材料、电镀添加剂、化学镀活化剂等制备设备;
2. 燃料电池、电解水反应器、电合成反应器组装与性能测试系统;
3. SOFC、SOEC、多相催化反应器制备组装与性能测试系统;
4. 金属空气电池、锂/钠离子等充电电池制备组装与性能测试系统;
5. 聚合物表面改性、微纳电沉积/蚀刻/PCB制板设备及药水评价仪器;
6. 功能油墨/胶水/浆料、防腐防污涂层/涂料制备和测试仪器设备;
7. 高低温(电化学-催化)原位红外光谱等进行机理研究的仪器设备;
8. 用于进行理论计算的服务器及VASP软件等。
近5年以通讯作者在Nature Catalysis、Angewandte Chemie、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Energy、Advanced Functional Materials、Applied Catalysis B:Environmental、Science Bulletin(科学通报)、Science China Materials(中国科学.材料)等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇。
1.Jin-Qi Xie, Ya-Qiang Ji, Jia-Hui Kang, Jia-Li Sheng, Da-Sha Mao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun, Ching-Ping Wong In situ growth of Cu(OH)2@FeOOH nanotubes arrays on catalytically deposited Cu current collector patterns for high-performance flexible in-plane micro-sized energy storage devices Energy & Environmental Science 2019, 12: 194-205 (Inside back cover)
2.Jin-Qi Xie, Ya-Qiang Ji, Da-Sha Mao, Fu-Tao Zhang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Sn nanorods supported Ag nanoparticles as efficient catalysts for electroless deposition of Cu conductive tracks ACS Applied Nano Materials 2018, 1: 1531-1540
3. Jin-Qi Xie, Li Jiang, Jiahui Chen, Da-Sha Mao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong NiMn hydroxides supported on porous Ni/graphene films as high thermally and electrically conductive electrodes for supercapacitors Chemical Engineering Journal, accepted
4.Shao-Qing Liu, Hao-Ran Wen, Ying-Guo, Yan-Wu Zhu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Amorphous Ni(OH)2 encounter with crystalline CuS in hollow spheres: A mesoporous nano-shelled heterostructure for hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis Nano Energy 2018, 44: 7-14
5. Shao-Qing Liu, Bo Zhao, Li Jiang, Yan-Wu Zhu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jian-Bin Xu, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Core-shell Cu@rGO hybrids filled in epoxy composites with high thermal conduction Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6: 257 – 265
6. Shao-Qing Liu, Yi-Tao Xu, Jin-Qi Xie, Guo-Qing Sheng, Yan-Wu Zhu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Bowl-like and apple-like PdCu hollow microparticles with mesoporous nanoshells: synthesis, characterization and electrocatalytic performance ACS Applied Energy Materials 2018, 1: 3323-3330
7. Shao-Qing Liu, Shu-Wen Wu,Min-Rui Gao,Mao-Shuai Li, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Hollow porous silver catalysts for highly efficient and selective electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019,7: 14443-14450
8. Jiahui Chen, Jian-Wen Liu, Jin-Qi Xie, Huangqin Ye, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Co-Fe-P nanotubes electrocatalysts derived from metal-organic frameworks for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction under wide pH range Nano Energy 2019, 56: 225-233
9. Jiahui Chen, Yunming Li, Guoqing Sheng, Lu Xu, Huangqing Ye, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Iron-doped nickel phosphide nanosheets in-situ grown on Ni sub-microwires as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction ChemCatChem 2018, 10: 2248-2253
10. Jiali Sheng, Jiahui Kang, Huangqing Ye, Jin-Qi Xie, Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Yan Yu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Porous octahedral PdCu nanocages as high efficient electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation reaction Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6:3906 - 3912 (Back cover)
11. Jiali Sheng, Jiahui Kang, Zhixiong Hu, Yan Yu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Octahedral Pd nanocages with porous shells converted by Co(OH)2 nanocages with nanosheet surfaces as robust electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6: 15789-15796
12. Jiali Sheng, Jiahui Chen, Jiahui Kang, Yan Yu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Octahedral Cu2O@Co(OH)2 yolk-shell nanocages with hierarchical flake-like walls for enhanced electrocatalytic activity ChemCatChem 2019, 11: 2520-2525
13.Jiahui Kang, Jiali Sheng, Yaqiang Ji, Haoran Wen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Guoping Du*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Tubular Cu(OH)2 arrays decorated by nanothorny Co-Ni bimetallic carbonate hydroxide supported on Cu foam: a 3D hierarchical core-shell efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6: 10064-10073
14. Jiahui Kang, Jiahui Chen, Jiali Sheng, Guoping Du, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Pd-interspersed hierarchical Cu(OH)2@CoNi carbonate hydroxides core-shell nanotube arrays for oxygen evolution reaction efficient electrocatalysis ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7: 16459-16466
15. Jiahui Kang, Jiali Sheng, Yaqiang Ji, Haoran Wen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Guoping Du*, Rong Sun, Ching-Ping Wong Copper hydroxide porous nanotube arrays grown on copper foils as high-performance integrated electrodes for supercapacitors Chemistry Select 2017, 2: 9570-9576
16.Zhen Chen, Bo Zhao, Ya-Chuan He, Hao-Ran Wen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-ping Wong NiCo2O4 nanoframes with nanosheet surface as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2018, 2: 1155-1164
17. Zhen Chen, Ya-Chuan He, Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Yan-Xia Chen, Ching-Ping Wong PdCu alloy flower-like nanocages with high electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122: 8976-8983
18. Zhen Chen, Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong CuO nanorods supported Pd nanoparticles as high performance electrocatalysts for glucose detection Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2017, 807: 220-227
19. Yaqiang Ji, Jin-Qi Xie, Jian Wu, Ying Yang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Hierarchical nanothorns MnCo2O4 grown on porous/dense Ni bi-layers coated Cu wire current collectors for high performance flexible solid-state fiber supercapacitors Journal of Power Sources 2018, 393: 54-61
20. Yaqiang Ji, Jiao Liu, Xiaonan Liu, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Ying Yang*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong 3D porous Cu@Cu2O films supported Pd nanoparticles for glucose electrocatalytic oxidation Electrochimica Acta 2017, 248:299-306
21. Yaqiang Ji, Jin-Qi Xie, Ying Yang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong NiCoP 1D nanothorns grown on 3D hierarchically porous Ni films for high performance hydrogen evolution reaction Chinese Chemical Letters 2019, accepted
22. Su-Biao Liu, Qing-Xia Liu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Cogeneration of ethylene and energy in protonic fuel cell with an efficient and stable anode anchored with in-situ exsolved functional metal nanoparticles Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 220: 283-289
23. Jie-Yuan Lin, Lin Shao, Feng-Zhan Shi, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Co2CrO4 nanopowders as anode catalyst for simultaneous conversion of ethane to ethylene and power in proton conducting fuel cell reactors Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122: 4165-4171
24. Jie-Yuan Lin, Lin Shao, Feng-Zhan Shi, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Multiple-doped barium cerate proton-conducting electrolytes for chemical-energy cogeneration in solid oxide fuel cells International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43: 19704-19710
25.Lin Shao, Feng-Zhan Shi, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Archiving high-performance solid oxide fuel cells with titanate anode in sulfur- and carbon-containing fuels Electrochimica Acta 2018, 270: 9-13
26. Lin Shao, Feng-Zhan Shi, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Jing-Li Luo* Stable SrCo0.7Fe0.2Zr0.1O3 cathode material for proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell reactors International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43: 7511-7514
27. Guoqing Sheng, Jiahui Chen, Huangqing Ye, Zhixiong Hu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Weixin Huang, Ching-Ping Wong Flower-like NiCo2S4 hollow mesoporous sub-microspheres supported Pd nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalysis in both of acidic and alkaline conditions ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces 2018, 10: 22248-22256
28. Guoqing Sheng, Jiahui Chen, Huangqing Ye, Zhixiong Hu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Weixin Huang, Ching-Ping Wong Hollow PdCo alloy nanospheres with mesoporous shells as high-performance catalysts for methanol oxidation Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 522: 264-271
29. Fu-Tao Zhang, Lu Xu, Jia-Hui Chen, Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Qianwang Chen, Ching-Ping Wong Electroless deposition metals on poly(dimethylsiloxane) with strong adhesion as flexible and stretchable conductive materials ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10: 2075-2082
30. Fu-Tao Zhang, Lu Xu, Jia-Hui Chen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Qianwang Chen, Ching-Ping Wong Adhesion-enhanced flexible conductive metal patterns on polyimide substrate through direct writing catalysts with novel surface-modification electroless deposition Chemistry Select 2018, 3:7612-7618
31.Huangqing Ye, Yunming Li, Jiahui Chen, Jiali Sheng, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong PdCu alloyed nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide for electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol Journal of Materials Science 2018, 53: 15871-15881
32. Huangqing Ye, Haoren Wen, Jiahui Chen, Pengli Zhu, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Alumina coated Cu@reduced gaphene oxide micro-spheres as enhanced anti-oxidative and electrically insulating fillers for thermal interface materials with high thermal conductivity ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2019, 1: 1130-1135
33. Huangqing Ye, Jiahui Chen, Yougen Hu, Gang Li, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Pengli Zhu, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong One-pot synthesis of two-dimensional multilayered graphitic carbon nanosheets by low-temperature hydrothermal carbonization and aids of in-situ formed copper as template and catalyst Chemical Coummnications , accepted
34. Yun-Ming Li, Jia-Hui Chen, Ya-Qiang Ji, Wen-Hu Yang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Hierarchical graphite foil/CoNi2S4 flexible electrode with superior thermal conductivity for high-performance supercapacitors Journal of Energy Chemistry 2018, 27: 463-471
35. Yun-Ming Li, Jia-Hui Chen, Huangqing Ye, Fayun Zhang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Hierarchical NiCo hydroxide nanosheets deposited on 3D porous Ni arrays for cost-effective high-performance supercapacitors Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2019, 30: 2552-2562
36. Bo Zhao, Li Jiang, Xiaoliang Zeng, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong A highly thermal conductive electrodefor lithium ion batteries Journal of Materials Chemistry A2016, 4: 14595 - 14604 (Back cover)
37. Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Highly thermal conductive graphene-based electrodes for supercapacitors with excellent heat dissipation ability Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2017, 1:2145-2154
38. Bo Zhao, Yi-Tao Xu, Sheng-Yun Huang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong 3D RGO frameworks wrapped hollow spherical mesoporous SnO2-Fe2O3 nano-shells: fabrication, characterization and lithium storage properties Electrochimica Acta 2016, 202: 186-196
39. Bo Zhao, Tao Wang, Li Jiang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong NiO mesoporous nanowalls grown on RGO coated Ni foam as high performance electrodes for supercapacitors and biosensors Electrochimica Acta 2016, 192: 205-215
40. Bo Zhao, Sheng-Yun Huang, Tao Wang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Hollow SnO2@Co3O4 core-shell spheres encapsulated in three dimensional graphene foam for high performance supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries Journal of Power Sources 2015, 298: 83-91
41. Yi-Tao Xu, Ying Guo, Chang Li, Xuan-Yu Zhou, Michal C. Tucker, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Graphene oxide nano-sheets wrapped Cu2O microspheres as improved performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries Nano Energy 2015, 11: 38-47
42. Yi-Tao Xu, Ying Guo, Hong Jiang, Xiao-Bin Xie, Bo Zhao, Peng-Li Zhu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Enhanced performance of lithium ion batteries with copper oxide microspheres@graphene oxides micro/nano composite electrodes Energy Technology 2015, 3: 488-495
43. Yi-Tao Xu, Ying Guo, Le-Xing Song, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Co-reduction self-assembly of rGO nanosheets coated Cu2O sub-microspheres core-shell composites as anode materials for lithium ion batteries Electrochimica Acta 2015, 176: 434-441
44. Yi-Tao Xu, Ying Guo, Le-Xing Song, Kai Zhang, Matthew M. F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Facile fabrication of reduced graphene oxide nano-sheets encapsulated copper spherical particles with 3D architecture and high oxidation resistance RSC Advances 2014, 4: 58005-58010
45.Ying Guo, Yi-Tao Xu, Bo Zhao, Tao Wang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Urchin-like Pd@CuO-Pdyolk-shell nanostructures: synthesis, characterization and electrocatalysis Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3: 13653-13661 (Front cover)
46. Ying Guo, Jian-Wen Liu, Yi-Tao Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong In situ redox growth of mesoporous Pd-Cu2O nanoheterostructures for improved glucose oxidation electrocatalysis Science Bulletin, 2019,64: 764-773
47. Ying Guo, Yi-Tao Xu, Guan-Hui Gao, Tao Wang, Bo Zhao, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Electro-oxidation of formaldehyde and methanol over hollow porous palladium nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic activity Catalysis Communications, 2015, 58: 40-45
48. Ying Guo, Ling Zhang, Bo Zhao, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong A novel solid-to-solid electrocatalysis of graphene oxide reduction on copper electrode RSC Advances 2015, 5: 87987-87992
49. Tao Wang, Bo Zhao, Hong Jiang, Hai-Peng Yang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Electro-deposition of CoNi2S4 flower-like nanosheets on 3D hierarchically porous Ni skeletons with high electrochemical capacitive performance Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015,3: 23035-23041
50. Tao Wang, Ying Guo, Bo Zhao, Shuhui Yu, Hai-Peng Yang, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong NiCo2O4 nanosheets in-situ grown on three dimensional porous Ni film current collectors as integrated electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors Journal of Power Sources 2015, 286: 371-379
51. Hong Jiang, Yi-Tao Xu, Tao Wang, Peng-Li Zhu, Shuhui Yu, Yan Yu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Nickel hexacyanoferrate flower-like nanosheets coated 3D porous Ni films as binder-free electrodes for neutral electrolyte supercapacitors Electrochimica Acta 2015, 166: 157-162
52. Hong Jiang, Ying Guo, Tao Wang, Peng-Li Zhu, Shuhui Yu, Yan Yu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Electrochemical fabrication of Ni(OH)2/Ni 3D porous films as integrated capacitive electrodes RSC Advances 2015, 5: 12931-12936
53. Hu-Ming Ren, Ying Guo, Sheng-Yun Huang, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Shuhui Yu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong One-step preparation of silver hexagonal microsheets as electrically conductive adhesive fillers for printed electronics ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7: 13685-13692
54. Chang Li, Yi-Tao Xu, Bo Zhao, Li Jiang, Shi-Guo Chen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Flexible graphene electrothermal films made from electrochemical exfoliation of graphite Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51: 1043-1051
55. Sheng-Yun Huang, Bo Zhao, Kai Zhang, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Jian-Bin Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu*, Rong Sun*, Ching-Ping Wong Enhanced reduction of graphene oxide on recyclable copper foils to fabricate graphene films with superior thermal conductivity Scientific Reports 2015,5,14260: 1-11
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