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李均钦职务: 职称:教授 办公电话: EMAIL:junqinli@szu.edu.cn |
李均钦 男,博士,共聚永利教授。
主要从事以新能源材料,如热电材料、磁制冷材料相关相图、相变、相结构和物理性能研究等工作,近年来主持了《具有调幅分解的稀土化合物RTe-PbTe-(GeTe或PbS)赝三元系相关系及热电性能的研究》等4项国家自然科学基金课题和 <<高性能纳米复合结构热电材料的制备及性能研究>>等5项深圳市科技局计划项目。先后在《Acta Mater.》、《J. Appl. Phy.》、《Solid State Commun.》、《J. Alloys and Compd.》、《Journal of Materials Science》等学术刊物发表研究论文90多篇,90%以上被SCI收录,获省部级科技进步一等奖一项、二等奖两项,获广东省“千百十”工程省级培养对象先进个人,2014深圳市十佳师德标兵,两次获深圳市先进教师、304am永利集团优秀研究生导师等称号。
研究领域 :
近年主持基金项目 :
3.稀土R-(Fe, Co)-Sb三元系相关系及稀土填充Skutterudite化合物热电性能的研究, 50471108, 24万元,2005.01-2007.12。
5.提高发电用IV族碲化物热电材料性能的协同调控研究, 2015.1-2016.12。
近年代表性论文 :
1. Z. W. Lu, J.Q. Li*, C.Y, Wang, Y. Li,F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, Effects of Mn substitution on the phases and thermoelectric properties of Ge0.8Pb0.2Te alloy, J. Alloy. Compd. 621(2015)345-350.
2. J.Q. Li*, Z. W. Lu, H. J. Wu, H.T. Li, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, J. Luo and J. Q. He*,High Thermoelectric Performance of Ge1-xPbxSe0.5Te0.5 due to (Pb,Se)Co-doping,Acta Mater. 74 (2014) 215-223.
3. J.F. Deng, J.Q. Li*, R.F. Ye, X.Y. Liu, F.S. Li,Enhanced thermoelectric properties of (Pb1-xYbxTe-)-0.15(GeTe)0.85composites due to phase separation and Yb doping,J. Alloys Compd., 585 (2014.2.5), 173-177.
4. J.Q. Li*, X.Y. Liu, Y. Li, S.H. Song, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao,Influence of Sn substitution on the thermoelectric properties in YbAl3,J. Alloy Compd., 600 (2014.7.5), 8-12.
5. J.Q. Li*, X.Y. Liu, Y. Li, J.F. Deng, R.F. Ye, S.H. Song, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao, Effects of second phase Yb5Sb3 on the thermoelectric properties of YbAl3, J. Elec. Mater., 43 (2014.1), .1289-1294.
6. J.Q. Li*, X.X. Li, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao and H.T. Li,Enhanced thermoelectric Properties of (PbTe)0.88(PbS)0.12composites by Sb doping,J. Elec. Mater., 42 (2013. 3), 366-371.
7. J.Q. Li*, L.F. Li, S.H. Song, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao, High thermoelectric performance of GeTe–Ag8GeTe6 eutectic composites, J. Alloy Compd., 565 (2013.7.15), 144-147.
8. X.X. Li, J.Q. Li*, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, H.T. Li and L.C. Pan,Enhanced thermoelectric Properties of (PbTe)0.88(PbS)0.12 composites by Bi doping,J. Alloy Compd., 547(2013.1), 86-90.
9. J.Q. Li*, Z. P. Zhang, R. M. Luo, W.Q. Ao, and F.S. Liu, Solvothermal synthesis of nano-sized skutterudite Co1-xNixSb3 powders, Powder Diffraction, 28 (2013.9), S17-S21.
10. J.Q. Li*, H.T. Li,X.X. Li, W.Q. Ao and F.S. Liu, Partial isothermal section of the Dy-Co-Ga ternary system at 500oC,Inter. J. Mater. Res.,104 (2013. 4),364-371.
11. J.Q. Li*, X.X. Li, S.P. Li, L. Wang, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao,Improvement in The Thermoelectric Properties by Ag/Sb Co-substitution in PbSe,Key Engin. Mater. 519, 179-183 (2012).
12. J. Q. Li*,S. P. Li,Q. B,Wang,L. Wang, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao, Effect of Ce-Doping on Thermoelectric Properties in PbTe Alloys Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering,Journal of Electronic Materials,Vol. 40 (2011) 2063-2068.
13. J.Q. Li*, S.P. Li, Q.B. Wang, L. Wang, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao, Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of the PbSe1-xTex alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509 (2011), pp. 4516-4519.
14. S.P. Li, J.Q. Li*, Q.B. Wang, L. Wang, F.S. Liu and W.Q. Ao, Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of the (GeTe)1-x(PbTe)x alloys, Solid state Science, Vol. 13(2011), pp. 399-403.
15. W.Q. Ao, L. Wang, J.Q. Li*, F. Pan, C.N. Wu, Synthesis and Characterization of Polythiophene/Bi2Te3Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Material, Journal of Electronic Materials,Vol. 40 (2011) pp. 2027-2032.
16. L. Wang, D.G. Wang, G.M. Zhu, J.Q. Li*, F. Pan, Thermoelectric properties of conducting polyaniline/graphite composites, Materials Letters. Vol. 65 (2011), pp. 1086-1088.
17. F.S. Liu, Y.J. Yu, W.H. Zhang, J.Q. Li*, W.Q. Ao, Isothermal section of the Ho–Fe–Ga ternary system at 773 K,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509 (2011), pp. 1854-1860.
18. F.S. Liu, Q.B. Wang, W.Q. Ao, Y.J. Yu, L.C. Pan, J.Q. Li*, Magnetocaloric effect in high Ni content Ni52Mn48-xInxalloys under low field change,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324 (2011), pp. 514-518.
19. J.Q. Li*, W.Q. Ao, F.S. Liu, W.H. Zhang, J.L. Yan, Structural and magnetic properties of DyCo5-xGax compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,491, 18-21 (2010).
20. W.H. Zhang, J.Q. Li*, Y.J. Yu, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, J.L. Yan, Structural and magnetic properties of DyCo4-xFexGa compounds, Powder Diffraction, 25, s31-s35 (2010).
21. W.Q. Ao, W.H. Zhang, J.Q. Li*, Y.J. Yu, F.S. Liu, Structural and magnetic properties of Dy1−xNdxCo4Ga compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,495, 13-16 (2010).
22. F.S. Liu, X.P. Chen, H.X. Xie, W.Q. Ao, J.Q. Li*, Negative thermal expansion of Sc2-xGaxW3O12 solid solution, Acta Physica Sinica, 59, 3350-3356 (2010).
23. J.Q. Li*, M. Ouyang, D.C. Liu, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, The isothermal section of the Tb–Fe–Ga ternary system at 773 K, Intermetallics, Vol. 17, (2009), pp. 733-737.
24. J.Q. Li*, M. Ouyang, F.S. Liu, D.C. Liu, W.Q. Ao, Structure and magnetic properties of TbFe6-xGa6+x compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Vol. 321, (2009), pp. 2541-2546.
25. J.Q. Li*, W.H. Zhang, Y.J. Yu, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao,, J.L. Yan, The isothermal section of the Nd-Fe-Ga ternary system at 773 K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 487, (2009), pp. 116-120.
26. D.C. Liu, J.Q. Li*, M. Ouyang, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, The phase relations in the Gd–Fe–Ga ternary system at 500 °C, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 479, (2009), pp. 134-139.
27. F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, L. Wu, J.Q. Li*, Crystal structures of the compounds formed in DyCo2–DyGa2 pseudo-binary system at 773 K, Intermetallics, Vol. 17, (2009), pp. 738-743.
28. R.M. Luo, F.S. Liu, J.Q. Li*, X.W. Feng, “The isothermal section of the Ce–Co–Sb ternary system at 400 °C”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 471, (2009), pp. 60-63.
29. W.Q. Ao, W.A. Sun, J.Q. Li*, F.S. Liu, Y. Du, “Hydrothermal synthesis of nano-sized AgPb18SbTe20 thermoelectric powders”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 475, (2009), pp. L22-L24..
30. J.Q. Li*, X.W. Feng, W.A. Sun, W.Q. Ao, F.S. Liu, Y. Du, “Solvothermal synthesis of nano-sized skutterudite Co4−xFexSb12 powders”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 112, (2008), pp. 57-62.
31. X.W. Feng, J.Q. Li*, F.S. Liu, R.M. Luo, “The isothermal section of the Tb–Co–Sb ternary system at 500 °C”, Intermetallics, Vol. 16 (2008), pp. 322-326.
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