On March 11,sponsored by theOsaka City Universityandmy school,the sino-Japaneseinnovation and entrepreneurship educationseminarheld successfully inShenzhenUniversity. On thethe second day today, teachers and students entered Tencent headquarters (the location of a renowned local company), and APARKXili entrepreneurs' show held in the afternoon at that day. Nearly 60 students and teachers fromSZUCM andOsaka City University School of Management attended the event.

In the Morning, Osaka City University students and teachers and the counterparts from SZUCM entrepreneurship elite classes, together visited Tencent Building. Both the teachers and the students who visited companies showed great enthusiasm and interest in the actively exchanging experiences with the business team.

In the afternoon, the Science and Technology Building No. 3 of the report in Japanese Chamber of Shenzhen University School of Management, both related and entrepreneurial elite class of students to participate inentrepreneurial projects Roadshow. The roadshow is divided into two successively performed. First by Dr. Pan Yanping, director of School of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center hostedShenzhen University, Japan around the entrepreneurial project started. First, Dr. Pan Yanping introducedorganizing the roadshow venture situation, introduces guests to participate in this meeting and a warm welcome, and clarifies the way to talk about this event. Guests from Japan in the field around the first topic, "the entrepreneurial project of Japan," explores the business opportunities to create services office, the cause ofcapillary blood flow observation apparatus to carry out these two themes. The Japanese guests delivered acorresponding presentation, rich content, causing reflection, the guests had a lively discussion and exchange ofarguments on both sides.

Followed by a show, Professor Li Tong from SZUCM addressed a warm welcome to the honored guests. Thegraduates from Shenzhen University College of Management Entrepreneurship elite classes argued on the second topic "Chinese entrepreneurs venture projects," and the APP design for mutual exchanges of the families of cancer patients. British Ban Chong graduates gave series of speeches to clarify their understanding to the public interest, for the direction of social entrepreneurship development needs. Finallt, Associate Professor Takashi Ozawa from Osaka City University Graduate School of Urban Studies and Mr. Li Tong both gave summary speench for this two-day workshop.

Finally, at the end of the meeting, the participants posed for pictures. This Sino-Japanese innovation and entrepreneurship education seminars promote the Sino-Japanese cooperation in the field of business practice.